Monday, 4 July 2016

5 Heart Health Risk Factors Need to Watch Out In 2016

Sad but true, factors pertaining to health risk are growing. Even today’s cutting-edge technology is also not able to curve this deadly growth. In today’s time, there are more than dozens of risk factors that can cause inflammation of cardiac blood vessels, plaque formation and more. Although this note will discuss about the 5 most fatal heart health risk factors that need to look out in 2016. These risk factors are based on the history of cardiovascular risks, new research by the medical practitioners and more.

1. Smoking: Without a doubt, smoking is the top risk factor for both men and women that cause heart problems. Many of you may think that it is due to the presence of nicotine but that is not. Each puff of cigarette send up to 4,000 chemicals that include pesticides, insecticides and carbon monoxide. All of these chemicals are responsible for causing in one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease.

2. Blood Pressure: High blood pressure is the most fatal reason for causing heart diseases for women. The main reason of causing such problem is women have smaller number of blood vessels in heart compare to men. These problems make women vulnerable to high blood pressure. Women are also prone to diastolic dysfunction of the heart that results higher blood pressure in comparison with men. However, it doesn’t mean men can ignore heart related diseases. But since, anatomy of women is different from men and also uses NSAIDS than men; women are more prone towards this type of problems.

3. Acute Emotional Stress: Stress is a huge factor that causes heart health problems for both men and women. Stress is very risky for hostile and aggressive types of men and vitally exhausted types of women. Acute emotional stress also highly stressful for both men and women.

4. High Blood Sugar: High blood sugar leads to higher level of insulin. Insulin is the main culprit that causes inflammation of blood vessels. Moreover, two most important organizations that cater heart related issues in USA - American Heart Association & American College of Cardiology - have strengthened their focus on the regulation of sugar in blood.

5. Lp(a): Lp(a) are nothing but the cholesterol. More precisely, the most dangerous form of cholesterol. These are small, highly dense & very inflammatory cholesterol particle increases “stickiness” in blood, and contribute dramatically in formation of clots and chance of a heart attack.

Barring the above five, there are various other risks factors for the heart. These are small particle oxidized LDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, high homocysteine, elevated C-reactive protein and more.