Heart functions to circulate blood in the human body. The heart muscle, medically termed as Myocardium, pumps blood. Alike other muscles of the body, it needs oxygen-filled blood for energy. Angina refers to the pain, uneasiness or other cardiac symptom which takes place when the flow of blood to the myocardium is not enough to match its energy requirements.

Coronary arteries supply blood to the myocardium. The thinning of these blood vessels may cause problem for the myocardium to meet its energy requirement and as a consequence, angina may develop.
ECP therapy in Orange County has been a proven treatment for Angina pectoris (crushing chest pain). External Counter Pulsation can spur these blood vessels to grow fine branches, forming a natural bypass surrounding the blocked arteries - the key element of the stirring chest pain.
How Does ECP treatment functions?The treatment of ECP gradually yet steadily restricts the blood vessels in the lower extremity or limb of the human body to raise the blood flow level to your heart. Every pressure wave is electronically sequenced with the heartbeat, to ensure that the increased blood flow reaches your heart at the defined moment it is reposing.
When your heart starts pumping again, the pressure level is circulated immediately. This drips the friction of your blood vessels in the limbs so as to facilitate the blood to pump up more smoothly from your heart.
External Counter Pulsation (ECP) can also cause some of the small and fine blood vessels in your heart to open up. These act as "natural bypass" vessels that regulate proper blood flow to the myocardium (heart muscle). The entire process extends relief during tremendous chest pain.
What to expect in an ECP Treatment?External Counter Pulsation (ECP) is a non-invasive treatment process. Here's the methodology -
- Patients are asked to lie down on an obstetric table.
- Fine electrodes are placed on the chest-skin and connected to a device called Electrocardiography (ECG). The ECG machine monitors heart rhythm throughout the process.
- Blood pressure level is monitored simultaneously.
- A pair of medical cuffs is enfolded around your calf muscles, thighs and buttocks.
- These cuffs connect air hoses to the inner valves that help during inflation and deflation of the cuffs.
- Patients are subjected to experience a firm "grip" in the legs extending from calf muscles to buttocks, when the cuff inflates. It is followed by a quick release of pressure during deflation.
- The inflation and deflation of cuffs are electronically controlled and adjusted according to your heart beat and B.P.
How much time do you need to complete an ECP Treatment?
The eligible patients need 35 hours of time to complete an ECP Treatment. It is administered for 2 hours a day, scheduled for 5 days in a week and stretches to 7 weeks.
When do you need External Counter Pulsation( ECP)?
ECP Treatment may be helpful to you when you:
- Have an acute angina problem.
- Are not relieved with the usage of nitrate, beta blockers etc.
- Do not need invasive treatments such as - angioplasty or stenting.
For any consultation on your cardio care please contact us at 714-842-8100
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