Spider veins are a very common problem suffered by people since a long time. There are various causes of the appearance of spider veins, though these are mostly harmless but it can become more prevalent with age if not treated in time and cause some severe problems. It usually affects women more than men and mostly can be seen on legs and other specific areas as well. It can be easily treated with the treatments mentioned below.
There are several ways available today to get rid of spider veins. Spider veins are thin red colored lines of blood vessels can be found on legs & feet. Usually, harmless, but sometimes these veins can cause aching or burning or even pain, especially if a person is standing for a considerable long period of time. There are multiple reasons that cause spider vein. The most commons are:
- Birth Control Pills.
- Blood Clots.
- Increased pressure in abdomen area due to constipation, presence of certain garments such as girdles and tumors.
- Changes in hormone functionality due to problems such as menopause, puberty or even during pregnancy.
- Obesity.
- Trauma to the skin due to ultraviolet ray or any past surgery on veins.
- Factory work, hairstyling, nursing – work that requires continual standing.
These types of veins can be discovered more in women than men and also among aged persons. In fact, 60% of adults have dealt with this problem at one time or another.
There is various spider vein treatment centers can be found in Huntington Beach area. These centers are capable of offering treatment based on a person’s symptoms. The two most important are:
- Sclerotherapy: Doctor injects solution in the affected veins with scars and blocks them which cause blood to reroute to healthier veins. After that, treated spider veins seem or start to fade. However, there are instances, when affected veins had been injected for more than one time. Nonetheless, sclerotherapy is predominantly an effective treatment if done properly. The best part of this treatment is it doesn’t require any anesthesia and can also be done at your doctor’s office. Side effects of this treatment include swelling, itching, changes in skin color in treated areas.
- Laser surgery: This surgery mainly operates by sending bursts of light (really strong in nature) into the affected veins turning them faded really slow and disappear. In this surgery, there is no need of incision or needles. However, laser surgery is often less effective compared to sclerotherapy, particularly for the larger veins. There are various side effects of this treatment - redness, itching, bruising, swelling and permanent changes in skin tone.
After treatment, in both, blood vessels take some time to fade in several months. But, they may not fade completely. Even, later, new spider veins can develop in the same area. Knowing this, doctors still choose any one of these two treatments when it’s come to spider vein.